Silobreaker is an automated search service for news and current affairs. The site claims that it aims to provide users with more relevant results than traditional search engines. Silobreaker states that "instead of returning just lists of articles matching a search query, Silobreaker finds people, companies, organizations, topics, places and keywords; understands how they relate to each other in the news flow, and puts them in context through graphical results in its intuitive user interface. The search result pages look similar to an online newspaper but are generated without human editing".
I find the site layout particularly useful for skimming through news headlines. However, some of my friends have pointed out to me that there is a lot of text in the site. To which I agree, but these friends of mine are more focused on design, and my opinion is that how the articles are listed down (even the text size) makes it easier for one to skim through the hundreds of articles and find those that are more interesting to him/her. The site has various sections such as global issues, science, technology, energy, business, sports and entertainment.
I think that what the creators have managed to achieve with Silobreaker is a very useful and successful project. I have managed to come across content that I would not have been able to do so (or let us say that it might have taken me ages to come across to) by using traditional search engines. As for the different sections, I especially find the science and technology ones most interesting, but then that is me :>
Access the Silobreaker at