The Bible is by far the most popular book ever, translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek over hundreds of year. Scribes copied it through their delicate and artistic manual process. The first printed copy appeared in 1516. Since then it has been printed in hardback, softback, pocket sized, in cartoon form... we have seen it online, spread through SMS... and now welcome the new format... the tweeted version.
Chris Juby, from Durham in the UK, is undergoing this project in which he is tweeting one chapter of the Bible a day. Obviously, this is not the complete Bible, but each chapter summarized in less than 140 characters. Juby has started on the 8 ofth August, and is planning to finish exactly on the 8th of November 2013. That is the whole 1189 chapters will be tweeted on Twitter by just one dedicated man, day by day. Apart from the Twitter account @biblesummary, a website has also been set up where apart from keeping up-to-date with Chis' progress and viewing all the tweets, you can even search for specific chapters.
We really hope that Chris will manage this project. We are one of his waiting-for-the-next-day-tweet followers :>
Check out Bible Summary at and follow @biblesummary at