Shweeb - A Personal, Efficient, and Cost-Effective Transport Solution

Ever wished you could click your fingers and instantly arrive at your destination?  And not have to spend your time stuck in traffic, crammed on that train or bus without enough leg room.  We tend to not like daily commuting, which unfortunately is a necessity.  Now, the guys at Shweeb have a solution... yes really!  And what’s best?  They say their concept will save you money, delays are eliminated, it is enjoyable, and you will exercise at the same time.

Shweeb state that the whole concept “is designed as a personal transport solution for shorter, urban journeys. The concept retains the benefits of reduced costs and comfort of mass transportation but offers the convenience, personal space and flexibility of personal transport. It delivers mass transportation on a personal level - personal trainsportation”.

Shweeb in fact integrates two existing technologies – the monorail and the recumbent bicycle.  Geoff Barnett, Shweeb inventor, got the idea when he was living in Tokyo.  He used to cycle through the city to get to work through all the traffic jams.  It was there that Barnett got the idea of riding about the traffic james on multi-level rails.  To Barnett this was the only way that Tokyo’s millions o residents could move around the city quickly and safely.  This gave birth to Shweeb in which aerodynamic pods are suspended safey from a monorail.  These pods can accommodate the rider and their luggage, and are propelled along the monorails by the rider’s own pedal power, or even by electricity if required.  The rider can then “just lie back, relax and take in the view”.

Have a look for yourself, and don’t think that this vision is too futuristic or just a crazy idea that will never get implemented.  Last September, Google announced an investment of USD 1m in Shweeb to assist with research and development.  And now Shweeb say that they will soon announce the location where they will be building the first transit Shweeb for public use.  Looking forward to that!

Check out Shweeb at

An adventure ride concept system is already situate and Agroventures Park in Rotorua, New Zealand.  Check it out at and